Odd how you don't provide links to any of the original reports and documentation, so we just have to take your word for it on all of your conclusions.

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We don't post original documents if they contain personal info of victims, but you don't have to take our word, actually. The OPA case number and Incident Number are in the article. You can submit at a public disclosure request to get the same documents if you'd like. Here's a template for the requests. "Please provide me with the Intake FU report for OPA case number 2023OPA-0135." You can also request the CAD log and incident report for 2022-337238. Those might come back faster.

It really seems like you're struggling with all your might to find any reason to believe this isn't true because you don't want to confront the implications. However, if it weren't, the police guild would've already threatened us with a libel suit and sent us a cease and desist letter. SPOG has sued us twice to block the release of public information but never for libel. Why? because everything we publish is true and sourced directly from reports produced by SPOG members, so it can't really sue us reciting faithfully things that its members said or wrote. It's a pretty airtight legal case, "Steve."

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Author

This is a story about roughly $600,000 worth of cops waiting idly for 23 minutes to respond to a priority 1 shooting call. Since you're already telling cops to leave, can you start with them? Thanks.

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Expecting very well paid government employees backed by a powerful union to do their jobs is communism...got it! 🥴

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